Jain, Shri K. C. Jain, Vice-President, Ahimsa International and Chairman of Finance Committee of the Conference extended hearty welcome to the Jain saints, distinguished guests and delegates from foreign countries and India.
Shri Satish Kumar Jain, Secretary General of the Conference, in his address, made an appeal to the nations, particularly to the Super Powers to stop production of nuclear. biological and chemical weapons and instead to make the developing and under-developed countries happier. He stressed the need to take the movement of Non-violence and Vegetarianism on global level. In this connection, he highlighted the creditable and sincere work being done by Dr. S. S. Jhaveri, M. D. M. R. C. P., the senior medical expert of Ahmedabad and Programme Secretary of the Conference and Mr. Nitin Mehta of London. Dr. Jhaveri dedicatedly organised the work of the Conference in whole of Gujarat as its Convenor there.
At this session, Shri V. N. Gadgil said that the message of Non-violence of Bhagwan Mahavir was much relevant today. He further said that no one should not only cause body injury but also should not injure any one by deeds or worlds. He felt that in the present armaments race the message of peace of Bhagwan Mahavir, Mahatma Buddha and Martin Luther King was very much relevant and important.
Acharya Sushil Kumarji said that the Jain religion is prospering not on ground of forcible conversion but is a religion of non-violence. He drew the attention of the Jain community and believers of Non-violence to come forward to save lakhs of cows which are to be slaughtered in West Germany due to excess miik problem.
Swami Charukeertiji emphasised that non-violence should be taught also through educational methods. He suggested that the lessons of Non-violence should be incluued in the text books right from Class V upto degree courses in order that the future generations may dread the horrible consequences of violence, Dr. L.M. Singhvi, Shri Akshay Kumar Jain, Shri Yashpal Jain and Pilot Baba also addressed the Session.
The Fifth Technical Session, at the General Session, was held under the Chairmanship of Dr. Sulekh C. Jain, President, North American Organising Committee of the Conference, who holds the senior position of Technical Director in General Electric of USA at Cincinnati. The spiritual scholar Pujya Shri Atmanandji (Dr. Soneji), who took his degrees in medicine from Edinburg and Glasgow and now lives and supervises a spiritual Ashrsm at Koba, near, Ahmedabad; Dr. Jagat Prasad Jain, Buffalo City, U.S.A.; Mrs. Sue-Cureem,
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