Shri Satish Kumar Jain, Secretary-General of the Conference. addressing the audience traced the history of earlier two Conferences, the objectives of the Third International Jain Conference and the work done by Ahimsa International, which organised the Conferenee. In his address, he focussed mainly on nuclear disarmament, destruction of nuclear weapons and prevention of arms race, establishment of world peace and making available those funds for better food, medicine and education and shelter to developing and underdeveloped countries. He appealed to the Union Minister of Education, Shri K. C. Pant to take steps for deletion of those lessons from the text books which encouraged consuming of eggs, fish and meat, since in the light of recent medical research such diet was harmful for health and also injured the feelings of a very large vegetarian population of India. He read the messages of the President and Vice-president of India, senior Jain saints, House of Representatives of the Congress of United States of America, International Vegetarian Union of U. K. various Societies of the world and prominent persons.
He informed that Acharya Sushil Kumarji is the courageous and dynamic Jain saint who has travelled abroad and was the first saint to conceive the idea of forming a world forum of Jains and with that in view sponsored the First International Jain Conference in United Nations Plaza, New York, USA on October 3 and 4. 1981, with the object of bringing unity, fostering brotherhood, propagation of Jain doctrines, non-violence, vegetarianism and respect for all living beings. About 500 delegates from various parts of the world representing 25 Jain societies, Ahimsa International, International Mahavir Jain Mission Centers in U. S. A. Canada, U. K., West Germany and Thailand had attended the Conference. Delegates were mostly from U. S. A. besides 20 from India. This was a beginning for a good cause.
The Second International Jain Conference was held in U. K. (London) on October 1 & 2, 1983. About 150 delegates from various countries, including 28 from India had, attended the Conference. The Open Session on 2nd October was attended by about 2500 participants mosly from U. K. Dr. S. K. Dhariwal Chief Executive of the Conference, alongwith his colleagues had organised the Conference. Shri Satish Kumar Jain, Secretary-General of Ahimsa Internatidnal, who attended the Conference., had given the invitation at the Conference to hold the Third International Jain Conference in India.
Shri M. R. Jain President of Ahimsa International, heartily thanked the Chief Guest, the Jain saints, the delegates and a large number of participants who attended the Conference. Shri Dipchand S. Gardi, President All India Swetamber Jain Society, Bombay was among the distinguished guests on the dias.
The First Technical Session of the Conference in the Main Hall of Vigyan Bhavan was held under the Chairmanship of Dharmadhikari Veerendra
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