case of a married man or weman, of limiting oneself to a single spouse are among the principles propagated more or less by all religions. The Jain religion, however lays down certain distinctive ethical standards, which are duly graded for uplift of the individual as a social being. The rules and regulations governing an ascetic's life are separately codified with the emphasis on the maximum abstinence. The duties of a householder are in miniature those of a monk; and the householder, while pursuing his vocation with due observance of his duties, rises steadily to the status of a monk.
It is not as if the Jain doctrines contain all the prescriptions for the world's ills Jainism itself refutes such a "Holier than thou attitude". On the other hand, it would welcome a scientific and rational consideration of all points of view. This empirical standpoint under scores the universality of all the world's great religions. After all, each of these world religions should be seen as an answer to the needs of the time. The mode of emphasis on one aspect or the other of human life may, and does, indeed, differ from religion to religion. But the common denominators in their principles are many. The religious injunctions not the rituals, serve one paramount purpose and, that is, to make human life happy for one and all, to wipe the tear from every eye and, above all, to realise as nearly as possible the image of God in Man.
As the nations of the world have been coming in closer contact, particularly since the eighties of the last contury, there has been an increasing awareness of the need to foster the comparative study of the great religions of the world. Nothing but immense good has resulted from the convening of interreligious conferences at different centres. Man of religion drawn from different faiths have all acknowledged the common points in the various systems of spiritual endeavour prevailing in the countries of the world.
All great religions of the world have laid down principles to leading peace. Peaceful existence among nations subserves the purpose of helping mankind to overcome distress across geographical boundaries. Service and peace can thus be merged into a harmonious blend to make human life more worthwhile. Man, after all, is not born only to love the small platoon into which he is born. Neither is he born only to breed, fight and die. That would only be a repetition of the animal round of existence.
Interaction among the followers of diverse faiths have by and large resulted in a wholesome exchange of ideas and a discovery of the common heritage of mankind. For over half a century, the idea of bringing together the various religions of the world for a joint action towards peace and service has led to several initiatives.
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