Animal Parliament
Today, if a man kills a man, the world over it is considered an offence and is punishable under Court of Law. But the legislation does not extend and say that if a man kills an animal, it is an offence. In some countries, there are a few laws which prohibit killing of rare species and wild life.
Shri Bharat B. Shah
It is evident that man, due to his cleverness, shrewdness, and superior abilities, has continued to kill/slaughter ruthlessly animals for his benefit and selfish reasons. Man forgets that the animal too has a soul and wants to live. The philosophers, ancient scriptures, saints and scholars have often said that there is basically no difference in the soul of man animals, birds etc. Just as gold can manifest in the form of bangles, earrings or ring, the soul can manifest in the form of human species or animal species or birds etc. Further all great learned men have advised to practice Ahimsa and refrain from inflicting cruelty, pain and death to other lives.
Killing of animals is not only inhuman and cruel but is totally against the overall interest of human kingdom. Animals are beneficial-useful to mankind in more than one way. They help in maintaining ecological balance. They help in preventing pollution, they provide milk, butter and hides (after death). They help in agriculture, their dung is useful as fertilizer. They are dumb, innocent and helpless. How can one think of killing them?
Killing any life is considered to be the greatest sin and anyone indulging in killing has to face dire consequences in future. If this is accepted how can one dream of allowing animals to be killed by human beings?
Jain Education International
But alas! man is short-sighted. He does not see beyond his life time. He forgets the dire consequences of future while trying to obtain immediate gains. Many times, man has to be told and forced to do things in a particular manner, so that humanity at large can benefit.
It is under this background that we at the Akhil Bharatiya Hinsa Nivaran
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