Anekanta is fundamentally the principle of Relativity. It teaches us tolerance and humility. It gives us a basis of establishing peace, friendship, co-operation and reciprocity. In that sense, Anekanta is much more than a mere form of logic or a modality of reconciliation of different perceptions. It gives us a whole philosophy of life and becomes a catalyst for the pervasive and cosmic principle of Ahimsa. The word non-violence in the English language hardly expresses the full splendour and the many facets of Ahimsa as a philosophy and a loadstar of life. It is a philosophy of harmony, a philosophy of compassion and empathy, a philosophy of duties and rights.
Jainism is obviously much more than a conglomeration of several sects which acknowledge their allegiance to Lord Mahavira as the twentyfourth Tirthankara. Its creed is Ahimsa which Lord Mahavira lived and taught. The allegiance of Jains to Ahimsa has to be a great deal more than a private ritual, or a visit to a temple or a matter of lip service. That allegiance and adherence means a concern for life, a concern for society, a concern for the world. It calls for a principled approach to life. It also asks for the continuous self-renewal and dedication in thought and in action by every atom in the society.
The world today stands at cross-roads, We have the option of creating a new and more humane world order. We have also the option of destroying ourselves and all that has been created on the face of the earth for many centuries. The Jain tradition of Ahimsa and Anekanta is like a beacon light for the embattled humanity which walks on a razor's edge and is encircled by darkness and gloom. From that darkness and gloom the humanitarian and compassionate ideology of respect for life, relativity of thought and practice and the approach of Ahimsa enshrined in the Jain tradition offers a pathway to a truly brave new world.
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