Ājñāpatra and Sanskrit Works on Polity: A Comparison
is very exact, precise, objective, based on direct observation, busy with the contemporary problems, practical, not of magico-religious nature, and indifferent about the Caturvarnya-system. Moreover, the king before the Sapskrit encyclopaedic texts has a lot of leisure to enjoy various pleasures, and perform nunierous magico-religious rites. But the king before the Ajñāpatra is devoid of any leisure. Therefore, the Ājñāpatra does not deal with the subjects like music, erotics, art of cooking etc. which are found in the Sanskrit encyclopaedic texts on polity. The Ajñāpatra on the other hand, expects that a king should not waste his time in fine arts, etc. Similarly, the religion which is endorsed by the Ajñāpatra is rather of higher sort. So although there are some similarities between the Ajñāpatra and Sanskrit texts on polity, the differences are more and basic ones. the Ājñāpatra is very unique, unparalleled, original, distinct from the tradition and even the greatest among all the ancient Indian political texts.
References : 1) All the references to the Ajñāpatra in this paper are to pages and lines from
S. N. Banhatti's edition entitled Ajñāpatra arthät Sivajit Rajanīti, NagpurPune-1961. Sivajici Rõjaniti, Lhule, 1941. Cf; Kautilya's Arthāśāstra 6. 11 : svâmyamat yajanapadadurgako sadandamitrani prakyta yah; cp. also Kāmandakiyanitisára 4.1: svämyamatyasca rāşıram ca durgam koso balam suhrt/ parasparo pakāridam saptāngai rajyamuc yate 1l: Manusmộti 9.24 : svāmyamət yau puram rāṣpram kośadandau sihyttathā/ sapta prakytayo hyetāḥ sa. prängam rājyamucyate // Mahābhārata 12.69. 62-63; rajñā saptaiva rak syāni tâni capi nibodha mel atmāmātyasca kośasca dando mitrāņi caiva hi /62|| tathā janapadascaiva puram ca kurunanduna letat saptatmikas rājyan paripalyan prayatnataḥ 1/6311 See my “Primitive in Kautilya's Arthaśāstra", Sambodhi 3.4 (Jan. 1975) p. 89100; "Śivatattvaratnākara : eka dharmakośa" Navabharata, April, 1974, p. 51-79 and may 1974; p. 41-80; "Akasabhairavakalpātila Samrajyalakşmi Pathika." Bharata Itihāsa Samsodhaka Mandala, Trimāsika, year 54, Khanda 17,3-4, p. 48-53.
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