Michihiko Yajima
our assailant : oh! breaking, slaying, crushing down the foeman"). Engl. trsl. by Ralph T. H. Griffith, The Hymns af the Rgveda (Chowkhamba Skt. Studies XXXY vol, I, 1963) For further examples, see R.6, 66.9; 2.11.4; 3.24.1; 3.30.16; 6.1.1., etc. In Classical Skt, the verb in the above sense seems to have become almost obsolete. We have quite few examples. e. g. tvara mānā svayam yāhi na ca asau tvām sahi syate, MBh VII 69.38 "You go in a hurry by yourself, and then, he
will not be able to overcome you." 5 e. g. yo cetam sahati jammim tanham loke duraccayam, Dhp. 336 pāda-ab; ra
pesu saddesu atho rasesu gandhesu phassesu sahetha rāgam. Sn. 974 cd; niddam tandim sahe thinam, Sn. 942 a. e. g. yam esā sahati jammi tanha loke visattikā, Dhp. 335 ab; yam lobho sahate naram, It. p. 84 vs, 2d; yam doso sahate naram, ibid. vs. 5 d; yam moho sahate naram, ibid. vs. 8 d.; yam kadho sahate naram, AN. VI. 96=GDhp. 282 d (tya
kodhu sahadi naru) 7 Sn. 835; S. 1. 127 etc. 8 Sn. 436-437
aratı naboikzrati is glossed ukkanthikā (or-ta) nabhibhavati, Spk. (CPD). This can be compared with : virayam bhikkhum riyantam cirarā siyam arai tattha kim vidhārae, Āy. I 6. 3.3 : “But can disconient lay hold of (Caus. of vidhr) mendicant,....? (SBE XXII p. 58); "Könnte [nun einem Monch,..... MiBvergnügen (daran) etwas anhaben ?" WM. p. 101)
10 divve ya je uvasagge tabā tericcbamānuse je bhikkhū sahar jayaz se na acchai
mapdale (Utt. 31.5) Jacobi : "A monk who well bear calamities produced by gods, animals, or men, will not stand in the circle (of transmigrations)" (SBE XXII. p. 181) dhammo tti kiccă paramagga-sūre jiindie jo sahai sa pujjo. (Dasa. 9. 3. 8 cd) Schubring : “He who endures (offences through words) like a champion [in the battle), thinking this [endurance] to be [a demand of] Dharma and having sub
dued his senses, is deserving of honour." 12 For the etymology, see Leumann, Aup. Glossar, p. 100; Hoernle, Uvā, vol. II.
p. 42 fn. 194. 13 p. 29 1.24 = 38.11 (object : virūvarūve phase); 42.12= 27 (phāsāim viruvarūvāim);
39.28 (savye phāse); 12.13 (sadde dhāse) 36.8 (taņa-phāsam. siya-ph., teo-ph., damsamasaga-ph., egayare annayare virūvarüve phāse); 28.23 (parīsahe durahiyāsae), etc. E.g. tae nam se Kāmadeve samanovāse tam ujjalam jāva durahiyāsam veyanam sammam sahai java (=khamai tiikkhai) ahiyāsei, Uvā, 2.100. For further examples, see Dacã. 7.1. [Sā. II. p. 931 1.10] - Vava. 10.1; Nāyā 11 [Sā. I p. 1047]; Anta. 6.120; Isi.p. 537 f; etc. & etc.
15 märgācyavananirjarartham parisodhavyõh pars sahāh, Tattvarthadhigamasūtra IX.8;
Pt. Sukhlalji's Commentary on Tattvartha Sutra (trsl. from original Hindi by K. K. Dixit) L. D. Series 44 p.331 According to Hoerole (op. cit.), parisaha means "things with regard to which patience must be exercised" or shortly "trials of patience."
16 aufte <ā - kutt (Schubring, Ācārānga, Glossar p, 74 under kuts)
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