Multi-dimensional Application of Anekantavāda
philosophy of Bhedābheda as it establishes unity in diversity. Anekantic approach tries first to understand the attributes of an object inherent individually and then assimilates the different views. It makes study of not only similarities and common features of objects but also comprehends the dissimilarities and uncommon features of the objects in comparison with other objects. In other way it collects the data and information about nature and function of objects and identifies them accurately, precisely and minutely. If the object is viewed from only one particular angle it is Ardhasatya. The Pūrmasatya or perfect knowledge can be had only when all the aspects of objects are studied.
This art of discrimination needs to be totally scientific and objective. Any mental block or psychological incapacity, which prevents new insight into discrimination, will sabotise the sole purpose. It lacks all types of hyper-sensitiveness and emotionalism in any name. The sole aim is to discriminate reality without internal or external build up influence. There is no mindset, it is totally open attitude. There is no motive attached while discriminating. Jñāna and Darśana are the basic tools behind this scientific approach. Darśana is an intuition about object where the first hand information is collected without going further in minute discrimination. Iñāna is expert to any super specification position where minute, precise and accurate discrimination of real attributes of the object are made. This power of the self, is some times obscured through Darśanā varaniya and Jñānā varaṇīya Karina, which become unobscured after a series of austerities by treading on the path of five great vows - Satya ( truthfulness), Ahimsā (non-violence), Asteya(nonstealing), Aparigraha(non-possession) and Brahmacarya(celibacy).Thus Anekānta vāda is technique to sharpen discrimination power. This discriminative power is fundamental pre-requisitives for spiritual development and achievement of supreme state of peace and bliss. Dissection Model
In dissectiori model the object is dissected into very broad groups or sections. The exact section is further divided or dissected into small groups or classes. Thus the process continues to make sub-divisions. The process will reach a point, when further division is not possible and the final unit is discovered. The process of Bheda will continue till
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