true that....." positive descriptions are given of the great soul as that it has infinite consciousness, pure understanding, absolute freedom and external bliss......
Multi-dimensional Application of Anekāntavāda
Application of Anekāntavāda
As we come to the question of application of this doctrine in various spheres of life and in the spheres of philosophy we will take a few examples and see how the doctrine will suite and apply in these. But as we do this, two statements will be worth noticing.
As Dasgupta states -
..... nothing could be affirmed absolutely, as all affirmation were true only under certain limitations."16
all affirmation are true of a thing only in a certain limited sense. All things (vastu) thus possess an infinite number of qualities (Anekadharmātmakam Vastu) each of which can only be affirmed in a particular sense. Such an ordinary things as a jug will be found to be the object of an infinite number of qualities from infinite points of view, which are all true in certain restricted senses and not absolutely""
"Thus in some relation or other, anything may be affirmed of any other thing, and again in other relations, the very same thing cannot be affirmed of it. The different standpoints from which things (though possessed of infinite determinations) can be spoken of as possessing this or that quality or as appearing in relation to this or that, are technically called Naya:
Let us now take a few glaring examples whereby we can see how Anekāntavāda can be applied in life. The first example that we take is that from family-life. There is, say the case of a family of fourhusband, wife and two sons. The sons are brought up well, highly educated and the parents sacrificed lots for the sons with the intention of imparting good cultural heritage, education and settled life to them.
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