The Doctrines of the Jainas
either their destruction or their complete repression but that they would rise without the fruit-giving potency, The aspirant in the eighth stage begins his selfpurification by repressing or destroying them in reality. The soul is thereby enabled to reduce the effect of Karmans in respect of duration as well as intensity. This potential reduction is carried on in the following five ways :
1. Sthitighata—Reduction of the duration of the stored-up Karmans.
2. Rasaghata–Reduction in fruit-giving intensity.
3. Gunasreni-Conversion of the Karmans of longer duration into those with a duration of not more than a muhurla (48 minutes).
4. Guna sankrama_Conversion of the Karmans of intensive degree into those of milder degrees.
5. Anya-sthiti-bandha—Accumulation of new Karmans of very short duration and low intensity, into which those of longer duration and higher intensity are converted.
There are three feats (Karanas) which the aspirant undertakes gradually for this reduction :
1. Yathipravrtti karana Inclination of the soul towards repression or destruction without the actual step being taken.
2. Apurva karana—The first step toward complete subdual, through repression or destruction.
3. Anivrtti karana-Bringing the soul into such a state of purification that further progress becomes automatic. This progress is uniform and depends no longer on
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