At the request of my friend Dr. T. G. Kalghatgi of Dharwad, I am once again placing my reading of the riddle of Kosala Gommața.
For me they stand for two numbers : 173 and 351 written in the mirror image for 153 and 371. Certain people may not like my reducing Gommaţa to Gnoman--the suveyor's stand- trišanku-tripod. It is necessary to show that the Kosala Prince is like Gommața Bahubali.
It is obvious: 1 + 5 + 38 = 1 125 + 27 = 153. The sum of the cubes for the basic number itself. So is the number 371.
38 + 78 + 18 - 27 + 343 + 1 = 371. Both the numbers belong to the same kind. By the way 17 = 153. It means add 1 to 17 number, the sum would be 153. 17 x 18 - 2
0 = 17 x 9 = 153. 153 is based on the nature of the number 17. This nature of 17 was noted by Sri Jñāneśvara of Mahārāştra in his
Anubhavāmsta Ch. 4.v.15. :
Te vheti puniyā bhare ! Na avansa sare te candrimci ure ! Satarā vi jaisi 15
Sivakalyāņa in his commentary on the same says:
Jevi candrimci satarāvi Paurnime navhe navi 1 Nā ama väsyä mälhavi 1 Candriñci ase
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