श्री राष्ट्रसंत शिरोमणि अभिनंदन ग्रंथ
Dharam Singh
Minister for Public Works
Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore - 1. Ph: (0) 2253835, 2092234
On the auspicious and happy occasion of reported completion of 57 years of Sainthood by Sri. Acharya Hemendra Surishvarji Maharaj Sahib, I wish to convey my heartfelt best wishes to the restraint monk.
It is indeed felicitations and very befitting to bring out the publication "Abinandan Granth" in honour of Acharya who has devoted his life in contributing to the Social Activities like conducting Eye Camps and other welfare activities to the needy and deserving people.
The 82 year old monk Hemendra Suriswarji Maharaj who has spent most of his lifetime in doing penances and religious tours. He is a real Guru to the entire mankind. The attempt made to transfirm the world from darkness to divine light, from living being to "Human being" and service humanity it itself universal message.
I pray the almighty that Param Poojya Guruji guide all of us for many more years to come and pray that his blessings bring about peace and happiness to all of us.
Dharam Singh
Mallikarjun Kharge Minister for Home
Vidhana Soudha, Bangalore - 1. Ph: (O) 2251798
I am extremely happy to know that your Trust is bringing out a'Felicitation Volume' in honour of Parama Pujya Acharya "Hemendra Surishwarji Maharaj' one of the great living saints of Jainism.
Acharya Hemendraji has dedicated his entire life for the spread of principles of Jainism such as non-violence, brother hood and co-existence of all religions of the human kind, love to all. In addition, he has inspired all his disciples by conducting extensive tours in country and abroad to involve them in social and nation building activities. His contribution for the transformation of a man to divinity is really great.
I strongly feel and pray that, Acharya Hemendra Surishwarji Maharaj should continue to be the spiritual social guide in between us for many more years to come for the sake of world peace and co existence.
Mallikarjun Kharge
हेमेन्द्रह ज्योति* हेमेन्द्र ज्योति
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