श्री राष्ट्रसंत शिरोमणि अभिनंदन राय
R.C. Majumdar and A.D. Pusalkar (ed.). The Age of Imperial Kanauj, Bombay, 1955, p.289 Epigraphia Indica, IX, p. 278
Ibid., IX, p. 199 ff.
Ibid., IV, pp.309-10
M.A. Dhaky, 'The Genesis and Development of Maru-Gurjara Temple Architecture', in Pramod Chandra (ed.) Studies in Indian Temple Architecture, New Delhi, 1975, pp. 114-65.
For details see, Devendra Handa, Osian-History, Archaeology, Art and Architecture, Delhi, 1984.
Ibid., pp.44-48, 63 and 68-69 and also M.A. Dhaky 'Some Early Jaina Temples in Western India', Shri Mahavira Jain Vidyalaya Golden Jubilee Volume, Bombay, 1968, pp. 312-27
Ibid., pp. 48-52.
M.A. Dhaky, (1975), op. cit., p.153
10. Krishna Deva, 'Examples of Early Medieval Art in Central India', in A.Ghosh (ed.) Jain Art and Architecture, New Delhi, 1974, Vol. I, pp. 168-71.
11. Michael W. Meister, Ama, Amrol and Jainism in Gwalier Fort, Journal of the Oriental Institute, Baroda, Vol. XXII, pp. 354-58.
12. Krishna Deva (1974), op. cit. p. 171.
13. Klaus Bruhn, The Jina - Images of Deogarh, Leiden, 1969, p. 52.
14. Krishna Deva, 'Group of Temples] Deogarh' in A. Ghosh (ed.) Jain Art and Architecture, New Delhi, 1974, Vol. I, p. 178.
15. Michael W. Meister, 'Jaina Temples in Central India' in U.P. Shah and M.A. Dhaky (ed.) Aspects of Jain Art and Architecture, Ahmedabad, 1975, p. 223.
16. Brajesh Krishna, The Art Under the Gurjara-Pratiharas, New Delhi, 1989.pp 94-97
17. Ibid., pp. 97-99
18. Ibid., pp. 99-102, for details see, Krishna, Deva, 'Mala Devi Temple at Gyaraspur', Shri Mahavira Jain Vidyalaya, Golden Jubilee Volume,
19. C.B. Trivedi, 'Late Pratihara Temples from Bundelkhand', in M.S. Nagaraja Rao (ed.) Madhu Recent Researches in Indian Archaeology and Art History, Delhi, 1981, pp. 195-98.
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