who edited the first texts. In the eighties particular he did splended spade-work on mastering the whole Svetamba Siddhanta Jacobi translated in two volumes of "The what he called the Avassaya literature. At his and working it into this exemplary opus which Sacred Books of the East" the Uttarajjhayana, time very few texts had been printed. He was later on translated into English, but will the Ayaranga, Suyagadanga and the Kalpa succeeded in getting to Strassburg, where he be retranslated because that first translation Sutra of which he edited the Ayaranga and was then teaching, a magnificent collection is considered imperfect. Schubring also the Kalpa Sutra as well. These were the first of manuscripts which the late Dr. A.N. translated parts of the Jaina Svetambara critical text editions made in Europe. They Upadhye, India's leading Prakrit scholar, was Canon into German under the title "wrote were real pioneers in a then almost unknown able to make use of in recent years. Leumann Mahavira's" (Words of Mahavira) field of studies. It must particularly be did what was almost unbelievable. He Another German scholar of the same recorded that Weber was still of the opinion explored a whole literature, then absolutely generation who wrote a fundamental work on that Jainism was but a sect of Buddhism. It unknown, only from manuscripts without the Jainism is Helmuth von Glasenapp whose was Hermann Jacobi who definitely proved help of any printed books. Unlike Jacobi he book "Jainism, an Indian Religion for that this was not the case, and that Jainism had no Indian Pandit to assist him. He Redemption" is considered a standard work. was an old religion, even older than prepared some very good text editions, but Worth mentioning is also his Ph.D. thesis Buddhism.
could only begin his work-he had to leave it about the Jaina Karma, to the importance of Of Jacobi's work I have made mention unfinished. The personal papers and notes wh
eu. ine personal papers and notes which Ludwig Alsdorf referred in his "Les only of a small fraction so far. He was left by Leumann when he died in 1930 are all Etudes", a programmatic study written in
of preserved in the Sanskrit Department at French which should be translated into non-canonical later works, for example Hamburg University, many of them already English Haribhadra's famous Apabramsa novel, the used by now, still more awaiting to be taken
Schubring in turn was the teacher of Sanatkumaracarita. Most of these were out of the big almarah which they fill
Ludwig Alsdorf, my revered Guru who passed published in India with long introductions completely. They will give ample scope for
away on march 25th, 1978. His first special and English summaries facilitating their use further research to a young generation of
field of research was Apabramsa. He by Western scholars. Important is also scholars striving to uphold the old and
• published a study on some Apabramsa tales, Hermann Jacobi's German translation of the famous tradition of Jaina studies in Germany.
one of the works dealing with the Jaina King Sanskrit work Tattvartha-Sutra which was
Continuing the work of Ernst Leumann Kumarapala of Gujarat. Later, he came to serialised in the Journal of the German was Walter Schubring, his pupil, whose name know Hermann Jacobi who entrusted him Oriental Society. This is a fundamental work
is well known, in the Jain community in India with a manuscript on an Apabramsa work that which opened the doors towards the to this day. He published quite a number of had been sent to him from India. This was the understanding of Jaina philosophy and
canonical works, foremost among them a Harivamsapurana, part of the Tisattimahadogmatics. The work which is kept in high
disciplinary text, the Brhadkalpasutra. An purisakakalamkara of Pushpadanta, the great esteem by both, the Svetambaras and the
edition and translation of this fundamentally epic. shortly afterwards in 1930, Alsdorf went Digambaras, is composed in Sanskrit in the
important text formed his doctoral thesis in to India and was able to photograph there two Sutra style. It probably belongs to the first
Strassburg. Afterwards he published more manuscripts of that work so that he was century BC. In 1948 the Jain community in Bhavabaravisiha He also made a critical in the position to edit for the first time India gratefully acknowledged its debt to
edition of the first part of Ayaranga. His Apabramsa text with the help of several Hermann Jacobi by publishing a collection of
monumental work, however, is a book manuscripts including a comprehensive his articles under the title "Studies in
entitled in English "The Doctrine of the introduction dealing with the development of Jainism".
Jainas", where he endeavoured for the first A contemporary of Jacobi was Ernst time to draw a complete picture and all this and so on. In India he was presented by the Leumann, a scholar of Swiss extraction who, entirely founded on first-hand knowledge of unforgettable Muni Maharaj Punya Vijayaji however, always worked and taught in the canonical texts. So far Jainism had been among other works with his edition of the Germany. He also did a lot of pioneering studied mostly with the help of medieval Vasudevahindi of Sanghadasa. When alsdorf work; for example he edited the Prakrit texts sources. But it was Schubring who examined this work after his return to Indian
Aupapatika-Sutra and the Jitakalpa. In succeeded in not only reading through, but literature, namely the oldest version of the Jain Education International For Prvate & Personal Use Only