"May God bring about in me friendship as to how it could be lived in a co-operative In the Modern era of sweeping techno- towards all living beings, Joy & Pleasure on and peaceful manner with the other members logical developments, making the world a meeting virtuous people, Compassion of the Society at large, we then release the "smaller" place continuously, talking in terms towards distressed and suffering people, importance of the sacred prayers, penance, of the contribution of a particular community balanced mental attitude in adverse state of religious austerity, true knowledge and in any field might sound anachronistic. The mind"
meditation which enables a person to live in a over-zealous champions of national integra
Our salutations to that Guru-preceptor manner wherein Dharma pervades throughtion could even be tempted to summarily dub who opened the eyes of (resorted vision to)
out his daily life. the effort as "parochial" However, if we pause the persons who were blinded on account of for a while to think retionally, we will realise the darkness of ignorance with the help of the In the world at large and particularly in the that prima facie, there is nothing wrong in pencil of collirium of knowledge."
tribal and the socalled less civilized world the such an evaluation.
Every religion or sect lays down the basic concept of "dharma" is limited perhaps only
norms of human behaviour. These norms are to ethical and good behaviour. To such The charm of a Federal Democrary like in an essence of the accumulated wisdom of the people, for their normal requirement, there India lies in its innate unity in the face of
Founding Fathers as also the teachings of the are not many of the finer limitations of diversity. As we know Indian constitution undisputed leaders from generation to
dharma, as we understand them in highly recognises 14 languages. The dialects of generation. The CHATUHSUTRI (meaning
civilised societies.. For their living they kill the four basic tenets) as far as the Jains are these languages and tribal languages are
animals and birds, they catch fish, they eat virtually innumerable. As one travels the
concerned are ethics or morals niti good meat, drink intoxicating drinks etc. And all country from East to West and from North to
conduct sadachar dharma (religion, duty and this is done without any qualms of South, one is literally astounded by the
belief in the matter of morality) and conscience. Some other religions Tay degree of diversity in the way the people
spiritualism adhyatma all these terms come particular stress on principles of dharma, in dress, the languages they speak, the customs
very close to one another but there are subtle which they basically abhor stealing, they observe. And yet the fact remains that we
differences in the connotation of each. When dishonesty etc. but in carrying out day to day all are Indians first and everything else
we talk of dharma, it embraces a very wide activities, no holds are barred-particularly, thereafter.
canvas in essence the purpose of life and those religions which do not believe in the living -- from the concept of good behaviour cycle of birth and re-birth, do not despise the
to the ultimate goal of the release of the soul killing of animals and birds and do not bar Thus have a strong and convincing atma from the constant shunting amidst the consuming meat of any other kind. reason to share my thoughts. Let me begin worldly cycles of birth and re-births. When Jainism is really not a religion; it is with a Prayer:
e think about our normal daily life and think basically a way of life. Even Mahatma Ganan Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only