Chaturvidh Sangh Monks and Nuns in Jainism
The monastic order plays a very important only work of a religious nature but also minimum of changes of clothing. In addition part in Jainism. Whilst society is divided into scholarship of great importance in science, he will possess a couple of pots for food and four groups forming the Chaturvidh Sangha, medicine, mathematics, logic, language and other uses, a walking staff and a soft brush laymen, lay women, monks and nuns, the lay other fields was, and is produced by the (more like a small mop) to dislodge insects life is seen as a lower stage, in a way monks. The tradition continues today. cer- gently from his path. He may have a few other preparatory for the monastic life. Whilst the tainly in the area of religious writing, though necessities, books, writing materials, speclaity have religious duties enjoined upon lay scholarship in Jain religion has developed tacles and the like. One other difference from considerably in recent times.
the Buddhist monastic order is the far greater best, lead a life of devotion and religious
In Buddhist countries the orange-robed
proportion and importance of Jain nuns. observance, it is only when the interests and monk is a familiar sight. Jain monachism
Although the writing on the discipline of the distractions of the world are set aside that the
mendicants tend to be very largely malediffers from Buddhist in many aspects. Whilst individual can pursue his or her spiritual a Buddhist will often enter the order for a
oriented, nuns have always made up a high development to the fullest extent. The
proportionof the mendicantorder and take an short period, even as a sort of religious monastic life is hard, demanding the utmost
active part in the religious instruction of the finishing school, the career of a Jaih monk or dedication from those who follow it. Whilst,
laity. In this, indeed, they may be compared nun begins with the ceremony of renunciaindeed, the ideal of monastic renunciation is
with Christian nuns. tion and acceptance of the obligations of the found in many religions, most notably in
five great vows, and continues unbroken to Although the mendicant order is seen a Christianity and Buddhism there is probably
the end of life. The monastic state is a unitary, it has for very many centuries been no harder religious discipline than that of the
permanent commitment and those who leave divided into many stems or groups (gaccha Jainmonksornuns Hence monks and nuns are
are few. The discipline of the Jain monastic gana), traditionally 84 in number. These may accorded a very high degree of respect by the
life is in most ways harder and stricter than take their names from original geographical Jain Taity. A layman or woman will greet
that of the Buddhist Frequent fasting is location, from association with a particular members of the religious order with the very
enjoined, as well as other mortifications caste from their founders or from particular greatest deference, and ministering to their
involving indifference to all bodily pains and points of doctrine or ritual. The gaccha may deeds is regarded as highly meritorious. The
discomfort. The practice of ahimsa, non- be subdivided in different ways, most five greatly respected Beings, Panch Para
violence or harmlessness, is governed for the commonly into groups studying under mesthin, saluted in the most widely-used
Jain monk or nun by meticulous regulations particular teachers. References to these religious invocation, the Namaskara Mantra,
to reduce to the minimum the possibility of divisions of the mendicant order are found include after the enlightened and the liberated
harm to the least of living creatures. The around the eighth and ninth centuries AD and souls (arihant and siddha) the monastic
monk or nun must be ever vigilant in walking, some of those existing today are undoubtedly leaders (acharya), the monastic teachers
sitting, and indeed in every movement or very ancient. Fo (upadhyaya). and fifthly all monks of the
action, to see that no minute creature will Gaccha, widespread in Gujarat and Rajasthan, world.
suffer. Whilst non-possession is a normal rule is mentioned in an inscription of the late of monasticism in all religions, the monks of eleventh century AD. Some gaccha can trace
the Digambarasect of Jainism practise this to the line of succession of their leaders back Throughout the centuries monks have the extreme, renouncing even the use of through quite a long history. The practice of been the scholars and teachers of the Jain clothing (whence the word 'Digambara' solitary religious retreat is known in Jainism faith. Nuns have been much less invoived in meaning 'clothed in the sky') A Svetambara but the Jain monk (or nun) is to be seen as scholarship but have also taken a prominent (white-clothed') monk will dress in three member of a group, attached to his or he) part in expounding the faith to the laity. Not pieces of white cloth and will have the spiritual director or guru. Although study,
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