The importance of the principle of aparigraha is very great both in the life of an individual and in the life of a nation. If individuals and nations follow the principle of aparigraha and live up to its ideal the world will be a veritable paradise and there will not be so much hatred, jealousy, ill will and suffering in the world.
The attitude to possess material goods and other means of comfort is what pollutes one's life. What is important in life is not to increase one's desire but to reduce it to the minimum. Desire fulfilled begets. further desires and there is no end to them, but happiness and peace in life follow a state of desirelessness.
Lord Mahāvīra, like Buddha has averred it again and again that annihilation of desire is the precondi. tion of peace in life. This is amply proved in modern times also. In modern times there are hundreds and thousands of luxury items which constantly keep on attracting min's notice. He looks avidly in the show rooms and shop windows where several kinds of gadgets supposed to give him pleasure and comfort are displayed. With the development of science luxury goods and gadgets have multiplied in number and man's desires have grown many more times than ever. It is true, he possesses infinite means of comfort and pleasure but it is an irony that in spite of all his possessions he is not happy. His desires have increased in geometrical progression and for peace and happiness he seems to be running after a mirage. It is true, man's knowledge has increased many times. He can produce unlimited amount of grains in the limited field. Thanks to the development of science and technology he is now in possession of more dangerous and deadly weapons than ever before. But really speaking he feels more insecure than ever. Economic prosperity has Dot enabled him to get rid of diseases like hypochondria and paranoia. The desire to make money has compelled him to be involved in rat race and he has lost his peace of mind. In modern times man is far more unhappy than ever before.
The importance of aparigraha in modern times, therefore, cannot be exaggerated both in the life of an individual or in the life of a nation. If an individual practises aparigraha, he cuts down his desires until he is satisfied with his bare necessity and that also he possesses without attachment. Thus he can make great progress in his spiritual journey and can attain liberation (mokşa), Aparigraha practised even moderately enables one to live peacefully. Therefore one should practise it as a matter of habit. If he does so, he will do society a lot of good. He, at least, will not look at other's property with greedy eyes and live up to the ideals taught by Lord Mahavira and also up to the ideals contained in the Upanisads Mā grdhah kasys sviddhanam). If he practises aparigraha it will do him good inasmuch as he will reduce the quantum of desire and cosequently he will enjoy peace and happiness of mind. Again if he practises aparigraha, the society in which he lives will be benefitted. If one does not possess more than his share in the society, the other members will not be robbed of their share and thus ill will among the members of society will not grow. Moreover the gap between the haves and the have-nots will be bridged in stead of becoming wide. If Lord Mabāvira's teaching of aparigraha is put into practice seriously many social evils can be eradicated. Living up to the ideals of aparigraha will go a long way in cultivating peace and the class struggle which is assuming fierce proportion will be annihilated. If aparigrala is practised by nations the affluent nations will share their wealth with those nations which dont have much. If the powerful nations practise aparigraha they will not spend billions of dollars in manufacturing weapons and thus will not cause other nations to spend on collecting arms and ammunitions. As a result the people of the world will not be thinking of the horrors of war all the time.
प्राचार्यरत्न श्री देशमूषण जी महाराज अभिनन्दन प्रन्थ
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