Being caused by Aśubha (inauspicious) and Subha (auspicious) Karman, they wander in the cycle of the four grades of existence, i.e., Nāraki (denizens of hell), Tiryanca (lower animals), Manuja (men) and Deva (gods).
II. Ajiva-Non-soul is lacking of sentiency and it comprises five substances: matter, principle of motion, principle of rest, space and time?
i. Pudgala-Matter is non-sentient concrete principle. It is either in the form of Paramānu (primary atoms) or Skandha (aggregates). These Skandhas are the lumps of Paramānus. The aggregatory process is going on because of their inherent qualities of Snigdha (cohesiveness) and Rük sa (aridity). It possesses the four qualities as touch, taste, fragrance and colour'. They are grasped by sense organs. Matter also possesses origination, destruction and permanence. ii. Dharma-It is the principle of motion. It assists the movement of moving souls and matters as water helps the moving fish iii. Adharma-It is the principle of rest. It serves as the medium of rest as the shadow helps the resting of travellers, or like the earth to falling bodies.
We see around us things moving, coming to rest, again moving and so on. There must be some media to help the moving and resting things. If there were no medium of motion, all things in the universe will be at a standstill. There will be universal cosmic paralysis. If there were no medium of rest, the things in the world will be scattered and flying about in the space and instead of cosmos there will be only chaos. Hence, the existence of these substances is postulated.
iv. Ākāśa--Space gives accommodation to all the five substances?. It is eternal, pervasive and formless and it includes our world (Loka) and beyond (Aloka). v. Kala-Time is a substance characterised by Vartană (continuity), being an accessory cause of change. The moments of time are individually separate like jewels in a heap of jewels.
of these matter alone is corporal or concrete (Mürta) and the rest, including soul, are incorporal or non-concrete (Amūrta), i.e., devoid of sense qualities and hence cannot be grasped by sense-perception. Time is devoid of Pradeśa (space-points), while the remaining five substances have innumerable spacepoints, and therefore they, are called Astikäyas (magnitudes).
It is not maintained these six causes created the world at some particular time; but they are eternally existing, uncreated and with no beginning in time. As substances, they are eternal and unchanging ; but their modifications are passing through a flux of changes. Their mutual co-operation and inter-action
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