Jeevabandhu for his services. All fair-minded Tamils irrespective of their religious affiliations helped for this just cause and to-day animal sacrifice is legally banned in Tamilnadu. Thus in Tamilnadu Jaina influence bid good buy to this barbaric practice. SOCIAL CUSTOMS :
There are a number of social customs peculiar to Jains that find their place among Tamils irrespective of their religious belief. Jainism preaches to avoid hot discussions and hilarious conversation and revelry on the dinning table. This is to avoid physiological effects that follow. Conversation and discussions while eating effects one's digesting capacity and there is every possibility for suffocation.
Avoiding taking food after sunset is yet another influence of Jains on Tamils. Even now some saivaites in Tirunelveli district do not take food at night.
Festivals like Deepavali, Sivaratri and Saraswati pooja are introduced by Jains among 'Tamils. KARMA:
One of the important principles of Jainism is the Karma theory. In Ancient Tamil literature there are references to Karma theory of Jains. In PURANANOORU a Sanga Tamil work, there is a poem that reflects the Jaina Karma theory :
"As the raft moves along the current of the water So the Soul along the fate" "Evil and good are not given by others" (results from our own activities)
When Tamils were exposed to faiths that approved of atonements, the ethics and self confidence of Tamils deterioted. Tamils were duped by a group of people that they can cast away the effects of their bad deeds by the offerings to the deities. RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE :
The Syadvada or Anekanta Vada also had a profound influence on Tamils. The religious tolerance widely prevalent in Tamil Society is the echo of the Syadvada. Jaina theory that every statement or view is neither fully correct nor wrong taught the Tamils to develop tolerance and respect others' views even if they are enemies.
Jaina authors review only the views of other faiths and never touch personalities associated with the faiths. This had its effects and Tamils developed religious tolerance. PARIMITA PARIGRAHA :
Parimita Parigraa is yet another virtue endowed upon Tamils by the Jains. Though Jainism does not restrict one's earnings beyond one's need, it condemns its accumulation in one hand. While enthusiastically working in his own field of occupation whatever accures to him beyond his self imposed limit must be set apart for the benefit of the whole society. For this Jainism advocates Chaturvidha Dhana. These dhanas are not restricted to any particular community. To give alms without caste distinction by Tamils is a legacy of Jaina thinking, This principle is being dealt in detail by the ancient tamil works. Of these Thirukural is the fore-most :
"The wealth that is acquired by the householder by toil and effort must set apart for helping those that are fit to be recipients." (212)
"Share your meal with the needy. Protect every living being. This is the chief of all the moral precepts formulated by those well-versed in Scriptures" (322)
Tirukkural is a scale of Jaina influence of Tamils. It is the social expression of Jaina religion.
जैन इतिहास, कला और संस्कृति
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