the one, found in the Valmiki-Ramayana.1 When Jinasena describes poetically the autumnal moon-lit night, the influence of Vālmīki can be clearly discerned. Like Vālmīki he also conceives "the starry night with the brilliantly shining moon as a lake abounding in lilies and occupied by a swan". In fact, the description of the autumn by Jinasena is "an ingenious imitation of the VR which has given the former not only a powerful vocabulary of literary terms but also whetted his imaginative brain for the graphic description of several situations". The pen-sketch presented by Jinasena of the autumnal bello wing of the excited bullsenraged at the right of the counterparts and ready for fight, "with reddened eyes, and scratching ground with their hoofs" is almost similar to the one given by Valmiki in his Rāmāyana. In other words, if we make a close and careful comparative study of all the Jaina Purānas on the one hand and the Rāmāyana on the other, we shall come across several cases of verbal agreemcot between them. Besides the Hari-dynasty, Jinasena, while describing the exploits of Vāsudeva, shows his "ingenuity in inventing new situations by blending together the materials borrowed from the Vasudevahindi and the Byhatkathā".
Gunabhadra, like his great preceptor Jinasena, was also an accomplished poet who had composed the last portion of his teacher's great work, the Adipurana and the whole of the Uttara Purana.' But, he has also deliberately distorted the story of Vālmīki as given in chapters 67-68 of his work which depicts Dasaratha, like the DasarathaJataka, as king of Varanasi, Sita as daughter of Ravana and Mandodari, one Subālā as Rāma's mother, and Lakşmana as son of Kekayi. This story of Gunabhadra follows closely
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VR. II. 105.16:
सर्वे क्षयान्ता निचया: पतनान्ता समुच्छ याः ।
संयोगा-विप्रयोगान्ता मरणान्तं च जीवितम् ।। Cf. the following two verses :
तारकाकुमुदाकीर्णे नभः सरसि निर्मले। हंसायते स्म शीतांशुविक्षिप्तकरपक्षतिः ।।
(Adi-Purana, 26.27). सुप्तकहंसं कुमुदैरुपेतं महाहृदस्थं सलिलं विभाति । घनैविमुक्ते निशिपूर्णचन्द्रं तारागणाकीर्णमिवान्तरिक्षम् ॥
(Ram. Kisk. 30.48). S. D. Jha, op. cit., p. 4. Cf. the following verses :
दोधुराः खुरोत्खातभुवः ताम्रीकृतेक्षणाः । वृषा: प्रतिवृषालोककुपिताः प्रतिसस्वनुः ।।
(Mahā purāņa of Ādişeņa, 26 42). शरद्गुणाप्यायितरूपशोभा: प्रहर्षिता: पांसुसमुक्षिताङ्गाः ।
मदोत्कटा: सम्प्रति युद्धलब्धा वृषा गवां मध्यगता नदन्ति ।। (Rám-Kişki, 30.38). Also cf. Rām. Kişk. 30.47 ff and Mahāpurāņa 26.35 ff. Cf. the following :
न च संकुचितः पन्था येन वाली हतो गतः । समये तिष्ठ सुग्राव मा बालिपथमन्वगाः ।।
(Ram. IV. 30.81). मा साहसगतेगिं राम: संकुचितो न सः ।। (Trisastiialakapurusucarita of Hemacandra, 7.6. 189 b.). S. D. Jha, op. cit., p. 19. Edited published : Bharatiya Jñänapitha, Varanasi, 1954. An earlier edition of this work was published from Indore io V. S. 1975.
आचार्यरत्न श्री देशभूषण जी महाराज अभिनन्दन ग्रन्थ
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