713 No. 8145. -az-a1f1-9fe. Set-anit-kārikā-vritti AUTHOR.SUBJECT.Vyakarana. OWNER.-Balātkār gan Jain mandir at Kárañjá (Akola district).
Nos. 8146-8147. HTTÄ HTETET. Saubhāgya.
panchami-mahātmya. AUTHOR.--Kanala vijaya gani, SUBJECT.-Dharma A short story meant to illustrate the good effect
of keeping the vow of Saubhagya-pañchaini, the 5th day of the
bright fortnight of Kärttika. OWNER.-Balātkār gan Jain mandir at Kārañijā (Akolā district).
Nos. 8148-8149. FOTOGET$1. Stotra-chatushtaya ţikā. AUTHOR.-Vidrānanda. SUBJECT.-Dharma. A commentary on the four stotras of Asadhara,
1. Pratishthā vidhi, 2. Sarasvati stotra, 3. Rishimandala stotra, and
4. Siddhachakra stotra. OWNER.--(8148) Balā tkar gan jain mandirat Kārañjā (Akola
district). (8149) Sen gan Jain mandir at Kāranja (Akolā district).
No. 8150. FET DE Stotra -samgraha. AUTHOR.SUBJECT.-Dharma. A collection of 108 difterent short works ou
Stotra, Jaya mālas, Subhashitas etc., including among them the texts of Tattvārtha-sútra of Umāsvāmi and Samayasāra of Kundakundă chārya.
Owner.- Balātkār gan Jain mandır at Kārañjá (Akula district).
No. 8151. FATEIT HET. Syādväda-mañjari. AUTHOR.-Mallisheņa. SUBJECT.-Nyāya. An exposition of the Jaina system of dialectic
technically called Syadvada. The work is a commentary (Vritti)
on the Uttara-dvātrimśikā of Heirachandracharya. OWNER.Balatkar gan Jain maodir at Kárasja (Akula district).