No. "7420. T R ANZ. Dhanyakumāra-charitra. AUTHOR.-Guņa bhadra. SUBJECT.-Charita. The author was the disciple of Nemisena,
disciple of Manikyasena and wrote in the reign of Parimārddideva at Vilāsapuro, at the instance of one Vilhena, son of Subhachandra of Lambakanchuka gotra.
OWNER.-Sen gaạ Jain mandir at Kāranijā (Akolā district).
No. 7421. free
Dhanyakumāra-charitra. AUTHOR.-Sakalaki tti. SUBJECT. - Charita. OWNER -Sen gan Jain mandir at Kāranjā (Akolā district).
No. 7422 262374Fl. Dharmachakra-pājā. AUTHOR. SUBJECT.-Dharma OWNER.-Kashtā sangh Jain mandir at Kārañjā (Akolā district).
Nos. 7423-7429. THIQIT. Dharmaparikshā. AUTHOR.-Amitagati. SUBJECT.-Dharma. Written in simple Sanskrit and contains
moral maximsinterwoves with interesting and amusing stories.
OWNER.-(7423-7424) Sen gan Jain mandir at Kārafija (Akolā
district). (7425--7429) Balātkār gan Jain mandir at Karanja
(Akolā district).
Nos. 7430—7446 993717. Dharma-praśnottara. AUTHOR -Sakalakirtti. SUBJECT--Dharma Also called Praśnottara-Srävakāchāra or
Prašnottara Upāsakāchāra. OWNER.--(7430-7436) Balātkär gan Jain mandir at Kärasja
(Akela district). (7437--7446) Sen gan Jain mandir at Kārafijā (Akolā