No. 4852 FITOTEST. Lakshaņāyalī. AUTHOR.Ui'ayanāchārya. SUBJECT.-Nyāya. The book deals with Vaišeshika system. OWNER.Prahlad Bhatt Lothe of Giroli (Akola district).
No. 4853. STUTT. Lakshanăvali.
Blect. --Vyakaran
AUTHOR.SUBJECT.-Vyakarana. That taken from the Kuvalayānanda of
Appasa Dikshita deals with Alankāra. OWNER.-Ramchandra Anrā Dhangare of Bās m (Akola district).
trahita lenls with Alana Akola district).
No. 4854
AUIHOR.-- SUBJECT.-Dharma. OWNER. --Vásudev Kāle of Malekhedi (Baldānă district).;
No. 4855
naftal. Lakshavartikā,
AUTHOR.- Vasishtha. SUBJECT - Dharma. OWNER.-Rāmāl of Mandlā.
No. 4856. EAT 599. Lakshmi-kavacha. AUTHOR. SUBJECT.-Dharma. Occurs in Kūrma and Skanda Puranas and in
the Agamas. Owner.---Durgaprasād of Singhpur Narsinghpur district).
No. 4857. g&FRETOT A Lakshmi Nārāyaṇa Panchanga. AUTHOR. SUBJECT.-Tantra. From Rudrayāmala, OWNER.--The Bhonsalā Rājās of Vāgpur.