were Sallaketa belonged of this
installation of the Sravana Belgula colossal image from the oth to the 11th ceutury A.D. Asādhāra is the author of many works (cf. Catalogne). The
most important aud popular work of his is Ásādhara.
the Dharmāmțita divided into two parts Sāgāra and Abāgāra. All the information that we can gather about the author is contained in the author's prasastis append ed to the two parts of this work. From them we learn that Āsādhara belonged to the Vagheravāla family. His parents were Sallakshana and Siiratni. He was born at Mandalakara in Sapadalaksha country (Sambhar, Rajpulānā)., Asadhara fled from this couotry when it was invaded by Sahabuddin Ghori. He came to Dhārā (Ujjain) where Vindhyavarma was reigning. Here he studied under one Mahā vira. He completed the composition of Jina-yajn t-kalpa in V. S. 1285, of Sāgāra-dharmāmțita in 1296 and of Bhavyakumuda-chandrikā tika in V. S. 1300. He composed many works before and between these dates. Their names are found in the praśastis of Jina.vajna-kalpa, Săgăradharmā mpita and Bhavyakumudachandrikā. Among these we read the names of Ashtanga-hsida. yodyotini a commentary on Vågbhata Samhita, Kriyā - kalapa, a commentarv on Amarakosha and a commentary on Kavyalamkāra of Rudrata. He also refers to his commentary on alārādhanā. This, however, is brought to light now for the first time from the Karañja manuscipt. I called Malāchara-praliipaka. There are two inco alplete manuscripts of the work, but thev together complete each other. The last page of the manuscript of the encing part of the work is missing on which was continued the praśasti of Āsādha.a. It would probably have told us the date of the composition of the work, wluch from its reference in the praśasti of Jina-yajnia-kalpa is proved to have preceded V. S. 1285 or A.D. 1228.
Appayārya wrote " Jainendra Kalyaņābhyudaya" or Pratish
thāsāra in the Saka year 1241, Mágha Sukla Appayārya.
10, Sunday, Pushya Nakshatra, apparently equivalent to Sunday, the 20th January 1320 A. D. at Ekasailanagara during the reign of Rudrakumāra. He was the pupil of Pushpasenācharya. These facts are stated in the prasasti of the work, which I reproduce below from the Kārafija manuscript :
शाकाब्दे विधुवेदनेत्रहिमगे (?) सिद्धार्थसंवत्सरे माघे मासि विशुद्धपक्षदशमीपुष्यार्कवारे ऽहनि । ग्रंथो रुद्रकुमार राज्यविषये जैनेन्द्रकल्याणभाक् संपूर्णोऽभवदेकशैलनगरे श्रीपाल बंधूर्जितः ॥