Tusib in Namaqua, 283. Tsui-Goab, various forms of the
Two tendencies in ancient religion, name, 280.
197 - first mentioned by G.Schmidt, 281.
Tylor, E. B., on the religion of - Namaqua belief in, 284.
savages, 41 note. a solar deity, 284.
- his list of inaccurate travellers' strange stories about, 285, 287.
stories, 277. --goab, the first Khoi-khoib, 286. - his fight with Gaunap, 286.
Tyr, 50. - his wounded knee, 287.
UAUA or Nubians, 242. the weak-kneed doctor, 288.
derivation of the name, 295, 296. Udyoga-parva, 175. --goab, the red dawn, 296. 'Ulama's, 221. the Supreme Being, 296.
- their bad behaviour, 221. legends told of him, 296.
-- their commentary on the Qorán, -All-Father, 296.
for Akbar, 224. - the avenger, 296.
Umâle, 239. Tsuni-Ilgoam, 273.
Umdabuko, creator of the world, Tuareg dialect (Kabyl and Ama." | 184, 185. sheg), 239.
Umveliqangi, the creator, 186. Tukiu, ancestors of the Turks, 136. Unconditioned, the, 14 note. Tungusians, 125.
Universal religions, 8o. Tungusic speech, 95.
Universe, legend of the, in Man-tribes, 130.
gaian, 258. - tribes, faith of, 132.
Unknowable, the, 14 note. Turanian languages, 91, 96.
Unkelunkulu, 44 note, 184, 185. - languages, letter of Max Müller Upångas, twelve, 61. on the, 97.
Upanishads, 18, 258. - religions, study of, 104.
Up-bearer of the earth, 185. - family, 124, 125.
Uthlanga, 65 note. -North and South, 125.
reed, 45. --- convergence towardsChinese,125. - the first woman, 46. - concepts of Deity, 126.
Uti-kuap, name for God, 282. -races, little known of their Utikxo, used when a man sneezes, ancient history, 130.
186. tribes, worship of spirits of nature,
U-Tixo or Wounded Knee, 285. and spirits of the dead, 130. Utshaku, 184. - belief in one higher power, 130. Uzbaks, the, 235 - dialects, agglutinative stage in, 135.
VALOKENÆR, 17. - derivative suffixes in, 135.
Vamsa, 45: - North, and Chinese same name Vander Kamp on Khosa Kafirs, 278. for deity, 136.
Vari-ma-te-takave, the demon, The -- religion, common, 144.
Very Beginning, 258. Turanians, North, 94.
Varro, 89 note. - South, 94.
Varuna, 81, 155, 159, 266, 285. Turin, papyrus at, 178.
-- his power, 193. Turkish tangry, 135 note.
- hymn to, 193. Turks, 125.
- and Dyaus, 203. in Menander's time, 131.
Vasishtha, 148, 156, 193. - Tukiu in Chinese, 131.
- prayer of, 154, 155.