I, how pronounced in Assyrian, 120. Iabe, 119 note.
Iau, 122, 123.
Iao, as lawgiver, 88.
IAO, mentioned by Lydus, 119. Ibo dialect, 239
Icoticon Hamburgense, 273. Iláh, Arabic, 112.
Ilah, male, 115.
Ilinus of Damascius, 118. Ilu, God, 111.
Imám Málik, 222.
on Mutah marriages, 223. his Muwatta, 222. Shafi'i, 223. Imperial Dictionary of Kánghee,
Impersonal powers always a later. conception than personal, 290. Ina (moon) in Mangara, 255. Incas, religion of the, 67. Incidents of the moment, names among the Karens taken from, 292.
India, Greece, etc., same name for Highest God, 106. Indra, 81, 285.
Hormuzd, Khormuzda, and Tengri identified with, 135 note. -called Visvakarman, 162. Infancy of Christ, gospel of the,
212 note.
Infinite and Indefinite, 14 note. Infinite, the, 12, 13, 14 note, 15. -faculty of, 14, 16.
sky as a name for the, 199. Inhambane, word for God in, 44
Ionic dialect, 85.
and Doric, 201. Iran, contact of Aryans and Semites in, 123.
Irenaeus on the imperfection of early religions, 153. Irrational element in mythology,
287, 288.
-element in mythology a matter
of fact, 288. Irrational element in mythology, inevitable, 288.
Ishtar, the Queen of heaven, 116. Isis, IOI.
Italian, French, Spanish, words common to, 105.
Itoga or Natagai, 132. Itongo, 43. Itongo, the Spirit, 185.
JACOB, his struggle, 200, 294. Jacolliot's Bible dans l'Inde, 24. 25. Jaeschke, Tibetan-English Dictionary, 138 note,
Jah or Jehovah, 119. Jahangir, 209, 229 note, 234. Jahu, 120.
a Syrian word, 120.
an old Assyrian god, 120. Jahveh, Jehovah, 119.
Prof. Kuenen on the word, 122,
a derivative of to be, 123. almost the same as the Vedic Asura, 123, and Zend Ahura, 23.
Japhetic family, 240. Jawbone, the, used by Maui, 254. Jehovah, 110, III, 123. -worship of, 86.
or Jahveh, 119.
Jeremiah, his mention of the Queen of heaven, 117. Jews, 17, 27, 86. -language of the, 86. Jhúla, 250, 250 note. Jin Kwei, ancestral spirits, 138, 139, 139 note. Jins, angels, 232. Jochebed, 123. Jogís, 213. Joshua, 75.
-his address at Shechem, 76. Jovi-s, 106.
Judaism and Christianity, 29. Juma, or Num, 132. -thunder, 133
Jumala, of Finnish mythology, 132,
-from Juma, 133.
Jumala, deity of the sky, 133.