Cathayans or Chinese, 132 note. | Chinese and North Turanian same Cathcart's battle with the Basutos, I name for deity, 136. 183.
- minor spirits in, 138, 139, 139 Centres of religion, three ancient, note. 144.
name for God, 260 sq. -- of language, three ancient, 144. Christ, 79. Chaldeans, history of, by Berosus,
- invoked at the court of Akbar, 35.
230. - of Babylon, 244.
Christianity, 28, 29, 53, 55. - called Kephenes, 244.
- and Judaism, 29. Chalmers, Dr., 261.
- among Turanians, 130 - his letter on the Chinese word - its real place in the world's big. for God, 269.
tory, 148. Chandaghatu, god of the chase, - and Buddhism, 171. 135 note.
- coincidences between, 171. Channing on Creeds, 52 note.
- Akbar's belief in, 229. Charlemagne, 105.
Christians, 17, 27. Chemosh, the people of, 86.
Xpúoea, 49. - of the Moabites, 119.
Classification, the foundation of all Chepera, 178.
science, 68. Chepra, 180.
- of religions, 68. Childhood of the world, 204.
Classify and understand,' 68. Children, their religion often ir- Colebrooke, 27. reverent, 192.
Colenso, Bishop, 182. Chimalpopoca MS., 256.
Corrmon Aryan words, 105, 106. China, religion in, gr.
- Romance words, 105. - worship of powers of nature in, -Semitic words, Iog. 13127
Commonwealth, the, 88. -worship of the spirits of the de- Comparative philologists, discoveries parted in, 127.
made by, I. two powers recognised in, 127. - philology, examination in, in Ox- spirit of heaven in, 127.
ford, 3 note. - spirit of earth in, 128.
- philology, study of, on the conti- Emperor of, called Son of Heaven, nent, 3. 136.
- method, 9. - ceremonial of, 143,
- applied to languages, 10. - missionaries in, 261.
- religion, 12. Chinese, 18, 91-96, 125.
- philology, 10. - Buddhist canon in, 18..
- chairs of, 2. - convergence of North and South - lectures on, 3. Turanian towards, 125.
- knowledge of Sanskrit necessary and other Turanian languages,
for, 3. coincidences between, 127. -- examinations in, 3 note. - historians on the Turanians, - theology, 16, 29, 74, 146. 131.
- not possible formerly, 17. - a monosyllabic language, 135. - study of religions a necessity, - Tien, the counterpart of Altaic Jumala, 135.
- mythologists, 32. traces of in Taranian dialects, - grammar of Semitic nations,