Life And Works Of śrīmad Rajchandra defines a Śrāvaka ( a seeker householder ) as one who has cultivated in him contentment, whose passions have subsided, who has developed his inner qualities and who has succeeded in being in pious company. Such a Srāvaka only can comprehend the preachings of the omniscient. The life of such a Śrāvaka can take a different turn and his inner state can then improve. Srimad has advised such a Śrāvaka not to get angry, because anger hurts the person himself first and then hurts others and therefore a seeker householder should never get provoked and be angry.31
In the same Upadeśachāyā, Śrímad says that all acts should be done without any hypocrisy or deceit, and also without attachment, pride and any expectation of any fruit.
A seeker householder has to remember that real sins are anger, pride, deceitfulness and greed. They are the causes of influx of karma-particles of karmic matter and hence must be avoided or at least subsided to maximum extent possible. If one gives up eating at night, but cannot reduce attachment to the Samisāra and is full of passions, like anger etc., giving up eating at night will be of little help. But if one gives up perverse faith ( Mithyātva), it is definitely beneficial and useful.