Life And Works of śrīmad Rajchandra related to you through and because of your body and they may, also be dependent on you. You cannot abandon them by leaving them in lurch. If you are a householder, you should be content with so much earning as would be sufficient to maintain your dependents, but all the while you should be attentive to the welfare of the self.” 25 He has further said, “You should never entertain the idea of accumulating possessions for greatness or for the sake of the family members related to you, and should never get attached to those things (possessions and relatives) in any manner; because the efforts required for the same hardly allow any scope for the welfare of the self ” 26 In this context, he has advised not to either rejoice or regret much for the events and happenings in worldly life. The reason for this is very simple. If one gets affected by everything happening around, one will never be able to look within and think of the welfare of one's soul. One has to develop equanimity if one has to be a good householder as equanimity is real Sāmāyika (a Jain ritual).
Generally householders perform rituals to keep up the tradition and to satisfy their ego. They give donations for the sake of name. They forget the faci that these lead to lower birth. Often. people are cager