Life And Works Of śrīmad Rajchandra dispassionate and judicious and this he did with the sole objective of finding out what is real religion or the ultimate truth or the reality. His non-attachment to any particular religion, sect, prophet, or scriptures and his constantly remaining with his self and in its nature, helped him attain his goal.
After studying various scriptures and particularly those containing the preachings of the Jinas like Mahāvīra, Śrīmad was confronted with the eternal questions like “Who am I?”, “What am I?”, “What am I not ? ”, ” Why am I suffering and Why am I miserable ?, “How can I acquire supreme happiness or bliss ? ”, “ How can everybody acquire bliss ?."
He however found the answers to the above queries in the six eternal truths which are forgotten by man. The truths are : ( 1 ) There is soul; ( 2 ) it is eternal; (3) it is the author of its karma-bandha; (4) it is also the sufferer of the consequences of the karma-bandha; (5) there is emancipation of the soul from the karmabandha; and (6) there is a path for the emancipation of the soul. 23
As a seeker and sādhaka, he decided that the most important thing for him was to remember constantly that he was self or soul and not body, mind. intelleci