Life And Works Of śrīmad Rajchandra been following the teachings of Mahāvīra. We also note in the letters his confidence in himself when he feels that perhaps he is the only person in these times, who can teach and preach the real philosophy of Mahāvīra. His writings after his 20th year or rather those after his 23rd year, explain, interpret, and also summarize the true and genuine philosophy of Mahāvīra in very clear and explicit terms, the crux of which can be stated as follows:
Mahāvīra wanted every body to know his own Self. Men are suffering and are miserable because of their own doing. The main causes for the same are ignorance, especially about the self or soul, attachment, repulsion and delusion. The best way to be free form these is to know one's self and remain in its pure nature.
One should constantly be aware of the fact that one is not body, not mind and also not intellect but soul. One should, also remember that emancipation or bliss is one's birth-right and one's soul has potentiality to rise to Godhood.
Speaking about his writings, Mahatma Gandhi observes, “One of the peculiariteis of his writings is that he has written what he has actually experienced.