Life And Works Of śrīmad Rajchandra be recognized as one of the leading firms in jewellery. Much of the credit for that goes to the expertise of Srimad in that business and also to his honest and fair dealings. After working as a partner in the firm for about 6 years, Śrīmad decided to retire from the partnership (at the age of 27 years) but partners did not allow him to do so and therefore he had to continue; but he continued only in an advisory capacity and finally retired after three years. He was well-versed in accounts also and could guide others in accounting matters. When he retired from business, he directed his firm to credit all the money due to him from the firm, to the account of his brother Mansukhlal, though he had sons, to whom he could have given the share. This clearly shows that he carried on business for the need and benefit of his joint family, and did not want to become rich himself. Mahatma Gandhi in his autobiography, while writing about Śrîmad has quoted the following passage of Śrîmad's letter written to his great associate and admirer Sri Sobhagbhai :
"Your advice to reduce the activity of trading in jewels is very correct and I always intend to do so... I may tell you that I am not doing the business with any greedy intent, nor I do any activity with the desires, or passions, though I am quite active. Generally