Life And Works Of śrīmad Rajchandra Samayasāra, Pancāstiksāya etc., but also Bhāgavata, Yogavāsistha Vicārasāgara, Vairāgyaśataka and many others. He has given numerous references from above mentioned and other books and also from the works of numerous saint poets, such as Narasi Mehta, Mīrā, Akhā, Chottam, Kabîra, Muktānanda, Sahajānanda, Banārasīdāsa, Ramdas and others for whom he had great devotion. In that context, he contends, “They might not have achieved omniscience, but they were very near to that state. I have admiration and respect for them and I feel as if I were in their continuous service. In fact that is a source of my inspiration. They are aspirants of very high order and I respect them more than jñānis (ātmajñānis), because the saints are always in the devotional service of jñānis and this fact makes me a slave of the saints”.!
In this context it is worthwhile to note the remarks of Dr. Sarayu Mehta. She says, “Scriptural knowledge of Srimad was not limited to any one system of faith or any one language. He had extensively studied many systems of faith and religions. Not only that but he had also digested the same very well. This is obvious from his various quotations. Besides these books, enumerated above, lo he had studied many other books and digested the knowledge in those books also. It seems that he