Śrīmad's philosophy has not followed the usual method of dividing Śrīmad's writings under the major heads such as metaphysics, epistemology, logic, religion etc..
He brought to focus Śrīmad's unique way of presenting self as the essence of all philosophy and religion on the basis of his (i.e. Śrīmad's) deep and rich spiritual experience and studied it from all the view points such as metaphysical,epistemological, ethical, religious etc., as a philosophical system complete in itself, and tried to highlight the same by comparison and analysis vis-a-vis the modern philosophical view points. Unlike Dr. Sarayuben's method of study, this may be described as mainly conceptual method. Jaina sādhvi Dr. Tarulatā too has mainly adopted a comparative method, while we propose to adopt a textual- cum- conceptual method. Nevertheless, in the concluding chapter,we have indicated the possibilities of comparative study of Śrīmad's philosophy and spirituality vis-a-vis those of Bhagavan Ramakrishna Paramhansa, Bhagvan Ramana Maharshi, Yogi Aurobindo, Mahatma Gandhi and Shri J.Krishnamurthi. When the same data is analysed from different view points some repetitions inevitably crop up. We are taking due care to avoid them as far as possible.