knowledge and Right conduct which constitute the pathway to liberation. It follows the pattern of a religious primer, Bālavabodha and is meant to strengthen the faith, especially of the young generation, in Jainism. In a variety of forms, like parable, dialogue, discourse, verses and aphorisms, it seeks to emphasize the main tenets and doctrines of Jain religion. This small book evinces Śrīmad's spiritual wisdom to such an extent that Mahatma Gandhi treated it as an evidence of past life or rebirth. It avers the maturity of Śrimad's talent and scholarship. Dr. Sarayuben by quoting Shri Jagadishachandra Shastri's following remark at the end of this chapter briefly summarises the significance of this important work:
" इसमें संदेह नहीं कि मोक्षमाला राजचंद्रजी की अमर रचना है। इससे उनकी छोटीसी अवस्था की विचारशक्ति, लेखन की मार्मिकता. तर्कपटुता और कवित्व की प्रतिभाका आभास मिलता है । जैनधर्म के अन्तस्तल में प्रवेश करने के लिए यह एक भव्य द्वार है । जैनधर्म के खास-खास प्रारंभिक समस्त सिद्धांतों का इसमें समावेश हो जात है । "
The third part of Dr. Sarayuben's book deals with Śrīmad's philosophical works in verse such as Ātmasiddhi, Apurva Avasara and miscellaneous poems in chapters fifth, sixth and seventh respectively. Atmasiddhi being the most important work, the