No. 7832. Heta 1991. Rātri-bhojana-tyāga-katha. AUTHOR.-Brahma Nemidāsa, pupil of Mallib' ashani. SUBJECT.-Dharma. A moral story meant to illustrate the bad
results of dining in the night. The author wrote at the instance
of Hayanandi guru. OWNER.- Balatkar gan Jain mandır at Kärañja (Akola district).
Nos. 7833-7835.Tu. Rāma Purāna AUTHOR. --Somasena. SUBJECT.-Purāna. Narrates the story of Rama following
Ravishena. OWNER. - Balatkār gan Juin mandir at Kirañja (Akola district).
Nos. 78367843 VARIT. Rama Parāna AUTHOR.- Brhama Jinadāsa, pupil of Sakalakirtti SUBJECT.-Purāņa. -Narrantes the story of Rama following the
version of Ravisheni's Padma Purana. OWNER.-(7836-7842) Balatkar gan Jain mandir at Karanja
(Akola district). (7843) Sen gan Jain mandir at Káranja (Akola
No. 7844. 1998TITET. Rāyapasenisātra. AUTHOR.SUBJECT.--Dharma. Svelambara work i Prakrit. Describes the
history of king Prasenajit. OWNER.-Sen gan Jain mand sakāranja (Akola district).
No. 7845. aetaarell. Lagbiyastrayi. AUTHOR. --Akalarika. SUBJECT.-Nyāya. With a commentary by Abhayachandra Sari.
The work derives its name from its three chapters on Pramana, Naya and Agama. These, the commentator further divides into seven chapters on Pratyaksha, Pramanavishaya, Paroksha, Pramāņābhāva, Naya, Upayoga and Nikshepa.
OWNER.-Balatkar gan Jain mandir at Kārafija (Akola district).