Nos. 7525-7526. 19. Nvāyadipika AUTHOR. -Dharmabhūshana, pupil of Vardhamina Bliatäraka. SUBJECT-Nyāya. A-handbook on Jaina Nyaya. OWNER.-(7525) Sen gen Jain mandir at Keranja (Akola district).
(7526) Balatkar gan Jain mandir at Kárañja (Akola district).
No. 7527. haluat. Paricha-kalyāņaka pājā. AUTIJOR.-- Jvánasagara. SUBJECT.-Dharma On the worship of the five divine celebrations
that take place in the lite ti li.thankara. OWNER. ---Kaslațā sangh Jain mandir at Kārañjā (Akola district).
No. 7528. Àsiagi. Pañcha-parameshthi pūjā. AUTHOR.SUBJECT.--Dharma. Worship of the five holy beings, namely,
Arhanta, Siddha, Acharya, Upadhyaya and Sädhu. OWNER.-Sen gun Jain manlir at Kiranji (akola district).
No. 7529. 44 . Panchamangala pūjā. AUTHOR. SUBJECT.-Dharma. A work on daily rituals. UWNER.-Digambar Jain now temple at Khurai (Sau gor district).
No. 7530. E. Pañcha-samgraba. AUTHOR. -Nenichandra. SUBJECT.-Siddhanta. In Prakrit. The same as Gommatasara.
See Nos. 7155-7167. OWNER.--Sen gan Jain mandir at käranja (Akolā district).
Nos. 7531-7532. 12. Pañcha-sandhi AUTHOR.-Bhavasena Traividya. SUBJECT.--Vyakarana. It is the Sandhi portion of the author's
Kaumara Vyakarana, or the commentary on Katantra
rūpamalā. OWNER.---(7531) Sen gan Jain raindir at Karañijā (Akola district)
(7532) Balatkar gan Jaio mandir at Karanja (Akola