at whose request the latter wrote the commentary on Karttikeyanupreksha (cf. above), as is expressed by the following verses of the prasasti of the latter work :--
तेन श्रीशुभचन्द्रेण त्रैविधेन गणेशिना । कार्तिकेयानुपेक्षाया वृत्तिविरचिता वरा ॥ ८ ॥ तथा साधुसुमत्यादि कीर्तिना कृतप्रार्थना । सार्थीकृता समर्थेन शुभचन्द्रेण रिणा ॥ ९ ॥ भट्टारकपदाधीशा मूलसंघ विदांवराः । रमावीरेन्दु चिद्रूपगुरवोहि गणेशिनः ॥ १० ॥ लक्ष्मीचन्द्रगुरुस्वामी शिष्यस्तस्य सुधीयशाः । वृत्तिविस्तारिता तेन श्री शुभेन्दुप्रसादतः ॥ ११ ॥
This disciple of Lakshmichandra uho is referred to in the last verse above, as one who enlarged the commentary written by Subhachandra, may be the Jhanabhushana who revised the Siddhantasära. Though he succeded Viachandra in the pontifical seat he may have been another disciple of Lakshmichandra. Subhachandra avoided to mention him by name probably because Joanabhushana also happened to be the name of his spiritual predecessor, who was the author of Tattva-jhanatarangini.
Sakalabhashana composer Upadega-ratnamala in V.S. Sakalabhūshapa.
1627, on Sravana Sukla 6. His spiritual
genealogy is as follows:Padmanandi
Sakalabhashana (the author).
For extract and prasasti see Dr. Peterson's IV Report, PP-133-135.]