: TRANSITORY जातिप्रायश्च सर्वोऽयं प्रतीतिफलबाधितः ।
हस्ती व्यापादयत्युक्तौ प्राप्ताप्राप्तविकल्पवत् ॥९१॥ · jāliprāyaś ca sarvo'yam pratiti phalabādhitaḥ /
hasti vyāpādayal yuktau
prāptāprāptavikalpavat 11911/
. All logic-chopping is almost entirely of the nature of a fallacious refutation and it stands contradicted by the findings of direct observa. tion; it is (fallacious) like the following two alternatives set forth by
erson who was told that the elephant was going to kill him (and whom the elephant was actually going to kill) : "Does this elephant kill
one who is in contact with it or one who is not (there being logical - difficulties in both alternatives)? .. [91] The reference is here to the story of a man who actually behaved in the way described.
स्वभावोत्तरपर्यन्त एषोऽसावपि तत्त्वतः । नाग्दृिग्गोचरो न्यायादन्यथाऽन्येन कल्पितः ॥९२।।
svabhāvottara paryanta eşo'sāy api tattvataḥ /
nārvāgdrggocaro nyāyād anyatha'nyena kalpitaḥ 1|92|| All logic-chopping culminates in some statement to the effect that . such is the very nature of things. But essentially speaking, this nature of things is beyond the logical comprehension of ordinary people like ourselves, for we find that some one else posits this very uature in an altogether different manner.
अतोऽग्निः क्लेदयत्यम्बुसन्निधौ दहतीति च । अम्ब्वग्निसन्निधौ तत्स्वाभाव्यादित्युदिते तयोः ।।१३।। कोशपानादृते ज्ञानोपायो नास्त्यत्र युक्तितः । विप्रकृष्टोऽप्ययस्कान्तः स्वार्थकृद् दृश्यते यतः ।।९४॥
ato'gni” kledayaly ambusannidhau dahatiti ca / ambv agnisannidhau talsvābhāvyād ily udile layoḥ 11931| košapānād ste jñāno pāyo nāsly atra yuktitaḥ / viprakrsto'py ayaskāntah svarthakrd driyate yatah ||9411
Under such conditions suppose one argues : "Fire whev lying in the proximity of water makes things wet while water when lying in