forms the central subject matter of the Yogadrstisamuccaya. But we shall see that the actual derivation of tbe eightfold gradation presents certain difficulties. Again, Haribhadra is going to tell us tbat books serve pot much purpose of yogips after he bas reached a certain advanced. stage of spiritual development; hence when he expresses hope that bis present discussion will bepefit the yogips he bas in mind only those among them who have not yet attained the stage in question.
कर्तुमिच्छोः श्रुतार्थस्य ज्ञानिनोऽपि प्रमादतः । विकलो धर्मयोगो यः स इच्छायोग उच्यते ॥३॥ karlum icchoḥ śrutarthasya jñānino'pi pramadalah / vikalo dharmayogo yaḥ sa icchāyoga ucyale 1/31/
Religious observance on the part of one who has listened to the scriptural texts, who knows what the scriptural injunctions are and who is desirous of implementing those ipjunctions-an observance which however is deficient owing to some kind of incautiousness characterizing the agent in question--is called 'yoga by intention'.
शास्त्रयोगस्त्विह ज्ञेयो यथाशक्यप्रमादिनः । श्राद्धस्य तीवबोधेन वचसाऽविकलस्तथा ॥४॥
śāstrayogas to iha jñeyo yathāśakty apramadinah / śrāddhasya 1701 abodhena vacasā'pikalas tathā |14||
Religious observance on the part of one who is full of faith in the scriptural texts and is cautious to the best of his abilities-an observance which, on account of the agent in question being extremely well-versed in the scriptural texts, is free from all deficiency-is called 'yoga by scripture'.
शास्त्रसंदर्शितोपायस्तदतिक्रान्तगोचरः । शक्त्युरेकाद् विशेपेण सामर्थ्याख्योऽयमुत्तमः ॥५॥ Šāstrasaņdaršitopāyas tadatikrāntagocaraḥ | śaktyudrekād višeşena sāmarthyakhyo'yam ullamaḥ 1/511.
Religious observance for which the way has been pointed out by the scriptural texts but whose details go well beyond the scope of those tests-these details being arrived at by the agent in question with the help of his superabundant (spiritual) energy is called 'yoga by self-exertion' and is superior to the rest.