as being due to the natural difilement (of the soul concerned), for this defilement, even if somehow identical (in the case of eacb of the states under consideration), is also different owing to the operation of the factors like time etc.
विरोधिन्यपि चैवं स्यात् तथा लोकेऽपि दृश्यते । स्वरूपेतरहेतुभ्यां भेदादेः फलचित्रता ॥१९८॥ virodhiny api cairam syāl tathā loke' pi dȚśyate /
svarūpetarahetubhjāṁ bhedādeủ phalacilrată l/198// As a matter of fact, it (i.e. the assumption of various states by a soul) will remain enigmatic that way (i. e. in case an external factor like God is made solely responsible for it); for even in cur everyday experience we find that the diversity of effects is due to the difference etc. that pertain partly to thing's own nature and partly to the extraneous factors available to this thing."
एवमूहप्रधानस्य प्रायो मार्गानुसारिणः । एतद्वियोगविषयोऽप्येष सम्यक् प्रवर्तते ॥१९९।। evam ühapradhānasya prājo mārgānusärinah /
eladviyogavisayo'þy esa samyak pravarlate ||19911 This man who thus has a predominantly cogitative bent of mind and who usually pursues the right path (i. e. the path conducive to mokşa) undertakes--in a proper fashion--cogitation also regarding the dissociation of praksti from soul.
(3) Gopendra Endorsing the Possibility of Genuine Yoga in an Apunarbandhaka:
एवंलक्षणयुक्तस्य प्रारम्भादेव चापरैः । योग उक्तोऽस्य विद्वद्भिगोपेन्द्रेण यथोदितम् ॥२०॥ etamlaksanayuktasya prārambhād eva cäparaiḥ/
yoga uklo'sya vidvadbhir gopendreņa pathoditam //200 Of such a person all activities from the beginning onwards (i.e. from the 'preliminary performance onwards) have been designated Yoga by certain experts (on Yoga), for example, the following is what Gopendra says.
" योजनाद् योग इत्युक्तो मोक्षेण मुनिसत्तमैः। स निवृत्ताधिकारायां प्रकृतों लेशतो ध्रुवः ॥२०१॥ gojanād yoga ily uklo moksena munisattamaih/ sa niv;ltādhikārāzām prakȚtau leśato dhruva) |/201||