. ON APUNARBANDHAKA एनां चाश्रित्य शास्त्रेषु व्यवहारः प्रवर्तते । ततश्चाधिकृतं वस्तु नान्यथेति स्थितं ह्यदः ॥१८५॥ enāṁ cāśritya śāstreșu vyavahāraḥ pravartate /
tataś cādhikslam vastu nānyatheti"sthitam hy adaḥ ||185|| It is with this nature in mind that the scriptural tests speak of 'preliminary performance'; hence it is obvious that the thing there spoken of (viz. preliminary performance) is to be found nowhere else (i.e. uowhere except in au Apunarbandhaka--who is possessed of the nature in question).
शान्तोदात्तत्वमत्रैव शुद्धानुष्ठानसाधनम् । सूक्ष्मभावोहसंयुक्तं तत्त्वसंवेदनानुगम् ॥१८६॥ śāntodattatvam atraive suddhānusthānasādhanam /
suksmablhavohasamyuktam tattvasamvedanānugam //186|| In the case of an Apunarbandhaka alone (and pot in that of a lesser soul) the means of a pure type of ethico-religious performance is his self-restrain and his bigh-mindedness, which two are accompanied by a subtle variety of cogitation and a correct realization of the pature of things.
शान्तोदात्तः प्रकृत्येह शुभभावाश्रयो मतः । धन्यो भोगसुखस्येव वित्ताढयो रूपवान् युवा ॥१८७॥ śāntodattaḥ prakriyeha śubhabhāvāśrayo mataḥ /
dhanyo bhogasukhasyeva vittādhyo rūpavān yuvā //187// One who is self-restrained and high-minded is by nature fit to develop an auspicious mental make-up, just as the fortunate one who is rich, handsome and young is (by nature) fit to enjoy sensuous pleasures.
अनीदृशस्य च यथा न भोगसुखमुत्तमम् । - अशान्तादेस्तथा शुद्धं नानुष्ठानं कदाचन ॥१८८॥
anidyśasya ca yathā na bhogasukham uttamam /
aśāntādes tathā śuddhai nānusthānam kadūcana |1188|| Just as one who is not rich etc. is deprived of the best enjoyment of seusuous pleasures one who is not self-restrained and high-minded invariably fails to undertake a pure type of ethico-religious perforniance,
मिथ्याविकल्परूपं तु द्वयोर्द्वयमपि स्थितम् । . . . . स्वबुद्धि कल्पनाशिल्पिनिर्मितं न तु तत्त्वतः ॥१८९॥ . .
mithyāvikalparūpam tu dvayor dvayam api sthitam / svabuddhikalpanāšilpinirmitam na tu tattvataḥ ||1891/