अध्यात्म भावना ध्यान' समता वृत्तिसंक्षयः । मोक्षेण योजनाद् योग एष श्रेष्ठो यथोत्तरम् ॥३१॥ - adlyatman phẫuanữ dhyanan samata urtlisanakyayah !
moksena yojanād yoga esa śreș[ho yathottaram ||31|| Adhyālma, bhāvanā, dhyāna, and vstlisanks aga are (the several species of) joga inasmuch as they connect one with mokșa (i.e. lead one to makşa); and in this list a later occurring niet ber is superior to an earlier occurr. ing one. Note : A literal meaning of the word yoga is connection.
तात्त्विकोऽतात्त्विकश्चायं सानुवन्धस्तथाऽपरः । सास्रवोऽनास्रवश्चेति संज्ञाभेदेन कीर्तितः ॥३२॥ tättviko'tällvikas cājan sānubandhas tatha' paraḥ /
sāsravo'nüsravaš ceti samjñābhedena kūrtitah 1/3211 . Using other sets of terminologies yoga may be divided into the types 'genuine' and 'not genuine,' into the types 'continuous' and 'not continuous'; into the types 'accompanied by defilement' and 'not accompanied by defilement.
तात्त्विको भूत एव स्यादन्यो लोकव्यपेक्षया ।
अच्छिन्नः सानुबन्धस्तु च्छेदवानपरो मतः ॥३३॥ सास्रवो दीर्घसंसारस्ततोऽन्योऽनास्रवः परः । अवस्थाभेदविषयाः संज्ञा एता यथोदिताः ॥३४॥ taltviko bhūla eva syad anyo lokavya pekṣaya / acchinnah sānubandhas tu cchedavān aparo matah 1/331/ sāstavo dirghasansāras tato'nyo'nāsravah parah /
avasthabhedavisayāh samjña eta yathoditah 1/34|| Here ' genuine yoga is yoga that is actually present there while 'not genuine' yoga is a mere show of yoga made in order to please the common-folk. Again, 'continuous' yoga is yoga that proceeds in an uninter. rupted fashion while' discontinuous 'yoga is yoga that is marked by interrup. tions. Similarly, yoga accompanied by defilement' is yoga to be practis. ed in course of long period of wordly existence while yoga not accom. panied by defilement' is yoga of a contrary description (i.e. yoga to be practised in the course of a brief period of worldy existence ) and is of
the supreme type. These different designations refer to the different · states (i.e. grades) of yoga and they describe these states quite appropri
1. A reads भावनाध्यानम्