by an anonymous author and (ii) certain dvālriñskās to be precise, the dvālriamśikās 10th, 12th-18th, 19th (in part) which are all based on the Yogabindu material- of Yaśovijaya's Dvātrimsaddrātrimśikā. At some places it seemed that the commentator has misunderstood the text, but on consulting Yasovijaya it was found that he too has followed the commen. tator. Yaśovijaya's authority as a logician being what it is we then decided to follow the commentator unless there was a most compelling reason to dissent. As for the reading of the text the edition of Saali (published by the Taina Dharma Prasaraka Sabba, Bhayanager, 1911 ) has been made use of. In about 35 cases (sonie of them being obvious cases of misprint) the reading has been changed. For these cases a comparison has been made with the corresponding reading adopted in the edition published by the Jaina Grantha Prakashaka Sabha, Ahmedabad (1940). While noting these read. ings Suali's edition has been referred to as A, the Ahmedabad edtion as B. However, in Suali's edition two verses have been numbered 352 - so that from the verse 352 onwards our numbering of verses does not tally with that of this edition. In relatively few verses have explanatory notes been added; hence whenever they occur they are explicitly marked as such under the title Note'. As for the proposed sections, sub-sections etc., they are mentioned by their respective serial numbers alope; for their respective captions the Table of Contents will have to be consulted.
Ahmedabad 12th March, 1967
-K. K. Dixit