through ignorance, joined ourselves to them. But we have been alone, omnipotent, omnipresent, ever blessed; our own Atman was so pure and perfect that we required nothing else; throughout the universe there can be nothing that will not become effulgent before our knowledge. This will be the last state, and the Yogi will become peaceful and calm, never to feel any more pain, never to be again deluded, never to be touched by misery. He will know that he is ever blessed, ever perfect, almighty." योगाङ्गानुष्ठानादशुद्धिक्षये ज्ञानदीप्तिरा
faaacuta: 117511 28. As soon as all impurities have been removed by the
practice of spiritual disciplines—the “limbs” of yogaa man's spiritual vision opens to the light-giving know
ledge of the Atman. Patanjali now begins a detailed description of the so-called “limbs” of yoga—the various rules and practices which we must observe in order to clear the mind of its impurities. To remove these impurities—the obstacles to knowledge of the Atman-is the sole purpose of spiritual disciplines. For the knowledge itself does not have to be sought. It is already within us—unlike that mundane knowledge which must be acquired from books and experiences in the external world. When the obstacles have been removed, the ever-present Atman is immediately revealed. यम-नियमासन-प्राणायाम-प्रत्याहार-धारणा-ध्यान
समाधयोऽष्टावङ्गानि ॥२६॥ 29. The eight limbs of yoga are: the various forms of absten
tion from evil-doing (yama), the various observances (niyamas), posture (asana), control of the prana (pranayama), withdrawal of the mind from sense objects (pratyahara), concentration (dharana), meditation (dhyana) and absorption in the Atman (samadhi).