fore it has its temptations and dangers. I nature of an object is to gain power over t) aspirant grows in concentration he may find possessed of psychic powers-he may be ab read men's thoughts, foresee the future natural forces. The possession of such p terrible temptation to misuse them for me greed and ambition. And it is unfortunate people who dabble in “the occult” are se nothing else. Luckily for mankind, si experimenters usually lack the necessary that they do not achieve very much.
What matters is purity of motive. Cocaine responsible doctor, is a beneficial pain-kille an addict, it is a deadly destroyer of me health. Occult powers are used by a saint w and non-attachment; he never regards then selves or takes advantage of them to fur desires. Christ, who healed the servant of in the Garden of Gethsemane, refused at protect his own life by calling on God to twelve legions of angels.” But the impure person who acquires those powers cannot use sooner or later they will cause his own ruin. all nations are full of symbolic warnings ag the supernatural. A few wishes are grant demon, genie, or wizard turns upon his possession of him, body and soul. By the genuine spiritual aspirant cannot be harm powers he happens to acquire, because he rey as a by-product of the enlightenment he is se
As for Patanjali, his attitude is strictly s cribes certain techniques of meditation a results. Therefore he has to speak, in due