ततः प्रातिभश्रावणवेदनादर्शास्वादवार्ता जायन्ते Hence one gains the knowledge due to spo enlightenment, and obtains supernatural i hearing, touch, sight, taste and smell.
ते समाधावुपसर्गा व्युत्थाने सिद्धयः ॥३८॥ 38. They are powers in the wordly state, but
obstacles to samadhi. बन्धकारणशैथिल्यात् प्रचारसंवेदनाच्च चित्तस्य
परशरीरावेशः ॥३ 39. When the bonds of the mind caused by kan
been loosened, the yogi can enter into the another by knowledge of the operation of i
currents. "The yogi,” says Vivekananda, “can enter a dead make it get up and move, even while he himself is w another body. Or he can enter a living body, and man's mind and organs in check, and for the time through the body of that man."
This recalls a story that is told about Shankara, philosopher and saint. When Shankara was still a b teens, there was a philosopher named Mandan M held that the life of the householder was far superior the monk; an opinion which was widely shared th India. Shankara determined to hold a debate wit knowing that if he could convert him he could also Misra's many disciples. After considerable difficultie ceeded in making Misra agree to this. It was unders Shankara, if he lost, should become a householder, Misra, if he lost. should become a monk. At SE