reached the vicinity of Junagadh The inmates at the palace at Junagadh were anxiously awaiting the arrival of the procession. Things were ready for the performance of rites at the entrance The atmosphere everywhere was one of joy Although Rajul, who was surrounded by her attendants who were cracking jokes befitting the occasion, looked grave, inside, she was also in a light mood, awaiting the arrival of the procession While dreaming of the pleasant company of Nemi Kumara, she had in fact forgotten everything else
Right then, like a cyclone, the news spread all over the city that being sympathetic to the mute appeal of the animals who had been caged for the purpose of the marriage dinner, the minutest chord of attachment in Nemı Kumara had given way. He had decided not to marry, removed the nuptial thread, and taken the road to the Girnar mountain His attachment had transformed into detachment, and having torn asunder the great acquisition including the parents, treasures, granneries, the kingdom and every other object of attachment, and like wise all internal attachments, like greed, malice, etc, he had become a nude monk.
The news took no time to spread. Efforts were made to induce him to return, but all was in vain The Lokantika gods appeared and approved his decision The initiation was appropriately celebrated with suitable zeal by all gods and men There dropped a curtain of metamorphosis on the whole situation which changed from a happy marriage occasion into an environment of detachment
Rajul's mind too changed She too took the road to selfrealisation Following the footprints left by him, she proceeded towards the Girnar mountain The whole city looked agape with a sense of deprivation The members of the marriage party had come to acquire a bride, but they lost the groom King Ugrasena desired to endow a huge dowry on his daughter and send her to her new home in a palanquin, but all these remained discarded, and Rajamatı proceeded towards the mountain in a white sādi The king had collected and got prepared costly robes to be bestowed on his son-in-law, but he discarded whatever robes he had on his person and became a nude monk