VALOULATIONS RELATING TO SHADOWS. 1. That Jiga, Santi, who bestows peaoo upon people, is the lord of the world, knows all beings, and is (ever) growing in influence through his eight miraculous powers-to him, who has vanquished the hosts of bis enemies, I bow in salutation.
In the beginning, we shall give out the means of determining the eight directions commencing with the oast.
2. On an even ground-surface which is (a horizontal plane) like the apper surface of water, a (perfectly) round circle should be drawn with the aid of a looped string having twice the length of an optionally chosen style (fixod in the centre).
8. The shadow of that optionally chosen style fixed in the centre of that circle touches the circumferential) line of that oirole at the beginning of the day as also at the time forming the close of the day. By this, the western direction and the eastern diroo. tion are pointed out in order.
4. By means of the string running in the line of these two (Avoertained) directions, a fish-shaped figure (or luno) should be
4. The string with the aid of which the fish-shaped figure is drawn should be longer than the radius of the ofrolo drawn sooording to starsza 3 sboro. It OE and Ow in the annosed diagram represent the enstern and the westera directions, W NPSR will be the lace drawn by dosaribing two circles with contros redpootively at E and W and with XR and WP M equal radii. The line N8 cutting the angles of the lune marks the northern and the southern directions.