ssorificial fire-pit and like that of (the back of) the tortoise, (the required result is to be arrived at).
A8 example in illustration thereof. 26. In the caso of the area of a sacrificial firo-pit the measure of the diameter is 27, and the monsure of the circuni feronco is seea to be.56. What is the caloulatat measuro of the area of that same (pit) ?
An example about a conver circular surface resembling (the
back) of a tortoise.
27. The diameter is 15, and the circum furonon is soon to be 36. In the case of this area roscmbling the back of a) tortoiso, what is the practically approximate mousure as calculated ?
The rulo for arriving at the practically approximato value of the area of an in-lging annular figure as well as of an out-ronching acnular figure :
28. The (inner) diameter inoroased by the breadth (of the annular aren) when multiplied by three and by the breadth (of tho annular area) gives the calculatod moasuro of the area of the ontreaching annular figure. (Similarly the measure of the calculated area) of the in-lying annular figure is to be obtainod) from the dia.neter as diminished by the breadth of the annular area).
Eramples in illustration thereuf.
29. The diameter is 18 hastas, and tho'breath of the outreaching annular area is 3 in this case : the diamctor is 18 hastas and again the breadth of the in-lying annular area is 3 hastas. What may be (the area of the annular figuru in each case) ?
38. The shape of the F ACTA us well as of thu Ena is identical with the shape of the TTATGT mentioned in the note to stansa 7 in this chapter. Hence the rule givon for arriving at the area of all these figures works ont to be the same praotically.